Build Your Team
I am often asked by journalists what the most important thing a home buyer can do to get ready to buy. My answer is "Build a solid team of professionals that work for you not the seller". When you as a home buyer start looking for homes, too often, you contact the listing agent for information. The next thing you know, the listing agent is showing you their own listings and inducing you to make an offer. Once that happens you are already on a speeding train about to jump the tracks. Assuming you get your offer accepted, it's now time to put your money where your mouth is. Do you have an attorney? Are you going to get an engineer's report or a home inspection? Will there be a termite report? When will it be ordered? Who will be your mortgage broker or banker? How much financing are you qualified for? Will it be enough? What will your payments be? Will the house appraise for what you are paying? Can you afford your monthly mortgage payment? Are the real estate taxes verified? Will there be C/O (certificate of occupancy) issues? Are there title issues?
Is it any wonder that buying a home is considered one of the three most stressful events in one's life? Take your pick; death, divorce or buying a home?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if most of the stress in the home buying process could be eliminated?
Well it can be!
The choice is yours. You can either do things the old and stressful way as discussed above or do things the intelligent way which will remove most of the stress. It's time to build "Your Team of Professionals" who will be looking out for your needs and interests not the sellers or their own.
Your team should consist of an experienced: Exclusive Buyer's Agent; Real Estate Attorney; Home Inspection Engineer; Termite Inspector; Insurance Agent and Mortgage Broker. These are the professionals who will make a huge difference in your life. The Exclusive Buyer's Agent will make sure you are getting the best home posssible in the best location for the least amount of money. The Real Estate Attorney will make sure you are protected by the terms of the contract. The Home Inspection Engineer will make sure that all problems that may not be obvious to the naked eye will be uncovered so that you do not buy a home that has more problems than you bargained for. The Termite Inspector will make sure that you are not buying a home that is infested w/insects. The Insurance Agent will make sure that you paying for just the amount of coverage that you truly need. The Mortgage Broker will make sure that you can afford the payments on your home and search for the best rate and the lowest payment available. All these professionals will be members of your team and as members of your team they will be actively looking out for your best interests not the sellers or their own.
Do yourself a favor, become a "Smart Buyer" today. Call your nearest Exclusive Buyer's Agent today and get the ball rolling! They will be happy to help you "Build your Team" so you can get on the road to a stress-free home buying experience.